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A New Way to Sculpt with Frit
Take a Class with Lois Manno
Here are the workshops I have scheduled. I'm looking forward to meeting new artists and sharing all the cool things you can do with Modeling Glass! This year I'm cutting back on live instruction to make time for writing a new e-book and producing new video content.
February 21-23 Milkweed Arts, Phoenix, AZ (Feathers and More)
April 2-6 Glass Craft & Bead Expo, Las Vegas, NV
(Modeling Glass demos at the Milkweed Arts booth, 1114 and 1120)
June 5/12/19 Warm Glass UK live webinar collaborating with Bob Leatherbarrow
July TBD Three-day workshop at The Groove Art Space, Albuquerque NM
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